Saturday 21 December 2013

Run 1 Attachments

Our Run 1 will take care of the north-west area which includes two pets, water and tree branch. Kids have built a few attachments to help accomplish these missions.They still need some improvement but they work very well.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Get to know SNB - Bill

Hi, I’m Bill, the new assistant coach. I’m in high school and 16 years old. I join the SNB FLL team because I like robot and teammate is my friend. I am helping to teach kids programming.

I like computer very much. I can program with java and have developed some application for android. I want to join this team because I want to develop my skill to achieve my goal becoming a software engineer.

I will do my best in my team and get a good score.


Sunday 8 December 2013

Get to know SNB - James

Hi, I am James. I'm a grade 8 this year and it is also my last year participating in the FLL. I hope to achieve a good title with our team this year on my last year of this robotics competition.


Saturday 7 December 2013

SNB team model

Here you go. This is our team model made by kids last week. They are thinking this model could be a cool decoration added to the robot. We will see.

New team T-shirt design

As we need to print more T-shirts for this year, a new design was just done last week. The team logo is kept with no change.