Wednesday 20 February 2013

B.C. Championship Event – BCIT, Burnaby B.C.

The BC Championship results can be found at there:

B.C. Championship Event – BCIT, Burnaby B.C.

Hello Everyone,
The results from the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) – B.C. Regional Championship Tournament 2012/2013
Team 2641 – Prime Bot – Champion’s Award (First Place)
Team 9753 – Super Ninja Bunnies – Champion’s Award (Second Place)
Team 9753 – Super Ninja Bunnies – Robot Competition Winners (Robot Performance)
Team 2641 – Prime Bot – Mechanical Design
Team 968 – NEXT – Programming
Team 9753 – Super Ninja Bunnies – Strategy & Innovation
Team 2492 – The Hurricanes – Research
Team 2724 – White Rock Stars – Innovative Solution
Team 15036 – Band Of Brothers – Presentation
Team 13978 – The ‘G’ Gnomes – Inspiration
Team 3787 – INFINITY – Teamwork
Team 3475 – Memory Searchers – Gracious Professionalism
From BCIT – Media Relation office – Videos of the event can be found here:
All your efforts were greatly appreciated and from our perspective in Media Relations at BCIT the event did garner solid media coverage.  This is a very visual event and coverage was positive.
Total exposure of all media (print excluded as not yet published):
Total audience: 1,255,000 people nationally
Links to TV and radio coverage here
Coverage included CTV local and CTV national, GlobalBC, CBC, CKNW, Burnaby Now, Burnaby Newsleader, the World Journal, and The Official Chinese News Agency, Xinhua News. Two stories will also be published later this week in Burnaby’s two local papers.
Still photos from FLL at BCIT link:
Feel free to share or download these and use as needed with credit to BCIT please.
Date: January 26, 2013
Location: BCIT – Burnaby Campus
Address: 3700 Willingdon Ave (Map:
Time: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Contact Person: Brian Yu (

Important Information Update (Jan 20)

Food Services Packages – is no longer offered by the tournament.  Please purchase food directly from the other food services venues within BCIT.
Practice Tables - there will be ‘No’ practice tables available for teams.  All teams will be provided a table to use in the main gym.  Gym access will be available starting at 10:00am.  Teams wishing to bring their field kits and parts may do so, and will be permitted to set up on the gym floor within your table space area.
Robot Competition - each team will be given 4 opportunities at the Robot Competition tables in the main gym.  Only the highest score will be counted.
Project Presentation and Judging Sessions - All Teams are encouraged to be well prepared for their presentation sessions.  Each team should bring copies of their Team Info sheet with them to all three sessions.  There will be no feed-back given at tournament.  Each team will have exactly 10 to 12 minutes to enter the presentation room, setup, complete their presentations and exit the room.
Please Supervise your team and young children at all times – there will not be children care services available at this tournament.  Please supervise your children accordingly.
Team Number - your team number is the official designation for your team.  Your team members will be asked repeatedly throughout the tournament for their team number.  it is critical that they know their number as their scores and results are tallied based on this number.  Official rankings and scores will be forwarded to FIRST Robotics based on the team’s official team number.

Documents that you need:

BCIT Map: (SoE-visitors map)
Step 1 – Drop Off  - Parking Lot V5
Step 2 – Check In at Building Sw9 – Pick Up your parking pass
Step 3 – Park your car at: P7
Team Info Sheet (TeamInfoSheet)

Live Broadcast/Video Streaming

This year, the B.C. Championship will be video streamed ‘live’ via the internet at the following address:
This service is being provided by students from the Broadcast Communication Program of BCIT.  Live interviews will also be conducted by the broadcast students as well as the local media.
Taran Van Hemert is the producer and host for the televised portion of the FLL BC provincial championships.  Interviews will be conducted during the event on the 26th, with a wide variety of people, such as coaches, volunteers, team members, parents of team members, engineers, judges, and so on. All teams will have the opportunity to be interviewed by the broadcast students.  Anyone/teams interested in being interviewed should contact Taran Van Hemert ( to make arrangements.  Teams not wishing to be on camera due to privacy concerns should opt out of the interview.  Please also contact Taran to make arrangement to minimize camera exposure.
Accommodation: Accent Inn – Burnaby (
Shuttle(s) will be provided to travel to/from BCIT
Rooms are reserved for BCIT FIRST LEGO League Robotics
        Group # 25882
Arriving: Jan 25, 2013
Departing: Jan 26, 2013
Rate: $89 plus tax – standard guest rooms with 1 king bed or 2 queen beds
Up to 4 people per room. First come first serve.
For reservations, please call Accent Inns Central Reservations @ 1-800-663-0298 and quote group 25882
Parking Passes:
Each team will be given two (2) free parking pass.  Additional parking tickets will have to be purchased via the parking lot vending machines or at our check in table.
For Division A competitors:
Judging will begin at 8:30am for most teams.  Please be on time for your judging sessions.
This is what the day will look like:
  • 8:30am to 11:30am Judging Sessions (Core Value, Robot Design, and Project Presentations)
  • 11:30am to 12:30pm Lunch, and Jr.FLL Presentations
  • 12:30pm to 1:00pm Opening Ceremony
  • 1:00pm to 3:30pm Robot Competition
  • 3:30pm to 4:00pm Awards Presentation
  • 4:30pm Cleanup and Departure
Judging Schedule – Signup
JudgingCore ValueRobot DesignProject Presentation
8:30 am
8:45 am34751397815036
9:00 am272437872641
9:15 am1397897533475
9:30 am548015036249237879684913
9:45 am154572724
10:00 am9180968491334755480
10:15 am249226411545791809753 2724
10:30 pm96849131503654801397815457
10:45 pm37872641975391802492

Qualifier Event – Vancouver Island

The results of the FLL Qualifier for Vancouver Island can be found at here:

Qualifier Event – Vancouver Island

Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is well. At this time, I like to announce the teams going on to Division A – B.C. Championship in January. I have tallied all of the results from judging and the robot game, I have also weighted all of the responses from all the judges and referees and have ranked the teams in the following order:
1 492
2 15036
3 13978
4,5 5480, 4317
6 13385
7 9180
8 15457
Congratulations to all the teams that participated. I will be sending out a survey in the next week as well as opening the registration for the championship. Any teams that did not make the top 8 teams are also invited to participate in the January Championship as Division B Teams.
Please be advised that upon the completion of this qualifier tournament and the publishing of the results, all notes and judgment documentations will be shredded to protect the professional integrity of the judges and referees. This was explicitly requested by the judges and supported by the FIRST LEGO League. In the past, I had sent out the tallied results against policy because I believe in letting the children know how/where they did well and where they did poorly, however in this case, I am unable to accommodate.
To solve the problem, I can provide a judge to evaluate their presentations during the next scrimmage in January to offer verbal feedback and suggestions. This will allow the children ample time to redo their presentations for the Championship in late January.
See you all in January.
Brian Yu
FIRST LEGO League – B.C.
Text Message (778) 990-3623

FIRST LEGO League Team Listing

FIRST LEGO League Team Listing for the 2012/2013 season can be found at here:

FIRST LEGO League Team Listing

Updated: October 2, 2012 Please contact Brian Yu if your team is not listed:
Lower Mainland Teams:
Team #NameLocation
968NeXTVancouver BC
1111Upper Lynn ElementaryNorth Vancouver BC
2641ALTVancouver BC
2724JefferyWhite Rock BC
3475RoboSearchersBurnaby BC
3528ERCCCoquitlam BC
3787SamuelRichmond BC
4200Ivy BotsVancouver BC
4326JamboticsWest Vancouver BC
4913Lego4FunBurnaby BC
6036Jr HawksVancouver BC
6039SparrowsVancouver BC
7544The TechniciansCoquitlam BC
7592CSSClearwater BC
7849DiscoveryVancouver BC
8724Nechako Lakes 1Vanderhoof BC
9753Super Ninja BunniesBurnaby BC
Vancovuer Island Teams:
2492The HurricanesVictoria BC
4317Lego StormersVictoria BC
4708MountainNanaimo BC
5480LegoboticsVictoria BC
9180AGMSVictoria BC
10984Campus View ElementaryVictoria BC
13385SuperMindstormersVictoria BC
13978Bio LogicVictoria BC
15036Band of BrothersParksville BC
15457CORE First Lego LeagueVictoria BC
15840CCCS 1Victoria BC
15875CCCS 2Victoria BC
16120Lakehill ElementaryVictoria BC

Qualifier Event – Lower Mainland

The 2012 FLL Qualifier results can be found at here:

Qualifier Event – Lower Mainland

Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is well. At this time, I like to announce the teams going on to Division A – B.C. Championship in January. I have tallied all of the results from judging and the robot game, I have also weighted all of the responses from all the judges and referees and have ranked the teams in the following order:
1 - 9753
2 - 2724
3 - 3787
4 - 2641
5 - 968
6 - 4913
7, 8, 9 – 3475, 3528, 7544
Because of the 3 way tie for position 7, 8, 9, I am going to accept all 9 teams into the championship. However, I strongly encourage the teams in position 7, 8, 9 to consider joining Division B, as the championship will be quite tough.
Congratulations to all the teams that participated. I will be sending out a survey in the next week as well as opening the registration for the championship.
Please be advised that upon completion of this qualifier tournament and the publishing of the results, all notes and judgment documentations will be shredded to protect the professional integrity of the judges and referees.
See you all in January.
Brian Yu
FIRST LEGO League – B.C.
Text Message (778) 990-3623
This is what the day will look like:
9:00am to 11:30am Judging Sessions (Core Value, Robot Design, and Project Presentations)
11:30am to 12:30pm Lunch, and Jr.FLL Presentations
12:30pm to 1:00pm Opening Ceremony
1:00pm to 3:00pm Robot Competition
3:30pm to 4:00pm Awards Presentation
4:30pm Cleanup and Departure
Judging Schedule – Signup
Core Value
Robot Design
Project Presentation
9:00 am
Team #2641Team #3784Team #7849
9:20 am
Team #4913Team #3528Team #968
9:40 am
Team #7849Team #2641Team #3784
10:00 am
Team #3528Team #4913Team #9753
10:20 am
Team #968Team #2724Team #3475
10:40 am
Team #9753
Team #7544
Team #2641
11:00 am
Team #3784Team #3475Team #4913

12:40 pm
Team #2724Team #7849
Team #7544
1:00 pm
Team #3475Team #968Team #3528
1:20 pm
Team #7544
Team #9753Team #2724
For those competing in division A, please have a close look at the Judging Schedule.  I am asking each team to sign up for their time slot.  I have staggered the spaces according to the time limit and spacing requirement set by the FIRST LEGO League.
Each team in division A is asked to choose a judging order and submit your request (Your selection number, your registered team number, and your team name) by email to:
For example: if your team chooses #3, this would mean:
Your Core Value judging is at: 9:40 am
Your Robot Design judging is at: 12:40 pm
Your Project Presentation is at: 9:00 am
This method will allow teams that needs to travel from afar a later start time, while giving other teams a chance to start and finish the judging component early.  Please email Brian Yu should you have any question(s):
Thank You.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Please vote for us

Please forward this email to your family, your friends, and your classmates, and let them vote for us.

We are the team of Super Ninja Bunnies, a FIRST LEGO league team from the Vancouver BC area. The year 2012 is our first year participating in the FLL challenge. At the qualifying competition, we won the Core Values Award and the Robot Performance Award. At the FIRST LEGO League British Columbia Championship Tournament 2012/2013, we won the Robot Design Award, the Robot Performance Award, and the Champion's 2nd Place Award.

To support us, please vote for us in the FLL Global Innovation Competition.

Sep 2: Answer the "Vote this innovation" question, then click the red Vote button.

Thank you,

The SNB Team

Monday 18 February 2013

Congratulations to SNB!

Congratulations to SNB! Atthe FIRST LEGO League (FLL) – B.C. Regional Championship Tournament 2012/2013 at BCIT on January 26th, the SNB team did a fantastic job at the competition and won the Robot Design Strategy & Innovation Award, the Robot Competition Winner (Robot Performance) Award, and the Champion's Award Second Place. Kids were so excited when they brought home three more trophies. We had a celebration party on Saturday February 2nd to celebrate this amazing season.

The team's web site:

News announcement is available in here:

Still photos from FLL at BCIT link: