Monday 22 October 2012

Our team oath

Not sure how this is going to work. We made a team oath. They are just a group of rules that everyone team member need to follow along the season. This was done in a brainstorm session at Week #2. Tianhao was taking notes on the whiteboard. We had some laughs when Tianhao got spelling wrong on some words. The oath wasn't finished at the time. There are still two more rules left blank for us to fill out in the future.

Team Oath

Monday 15 October 2012

More victories!

A few weeks' hard work started paying off. More missions are now completed: the blue quilts, the near tv, grabbing the chair and returning it. Smiling faces everywhere.

Keep things on track

The team made two schedules: the project schedule and the robot schedule. Each schedule has three elements: what, who and when, so everyone know what it is talking about and what the goal is. It is a bit tough to keep everything on track, but I found this really helpful for helping everyone in the team understand what we are going to do, who is going to do it, and when. Kids made all of this at week 2. It was a fun brainstorming session.


Sunday 14 October 2012

Get to know SNB - Johnny

Hi everyone, I am Johnny. Being the oldest person (excluding the coaches) in the group, I usually get the harder jobs. So far, I have created an efficient five-state line follower program, and also made the green medicine program. Like the others, this is my first year in the FLL.


Johnny and his brother

Thursday 11 October 2012

Victory! Our first mission - green medicine is done.

Victory! Our first mission - green medicine is done. Congratulations to Johnny. You did a great job! The video is now on Youtube at

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Get to know SNB - Tian Hao

Hello, my name is Tian Hao. I am 11 years old.I am the attachment maker for the Super Ninja Bunnies team. I usually modify my attachments or make another one for the team. I made 6 attachments already which are being modified. This week I’m modifying the arm to make it lighter.This my first year in FLL.
-Tian Hao
A simple robot for Run 1: green medicine mission
Bowling attachment

Monday 8 October 2012

One more logo design

Another super ninja bunny with a flash sword designed by Johnny. Do you know what SNB stands for? You got it. It stands for Supper Ninja Bunnies, the name of our FLL team. Go SNB go!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Meet the senior partner

We took a field trip to meet our senior partner, Mr Ratzeburg and his wife. We talked about the senior solution project. We asked him many questions and he talked about his life and many challenges he faces in the daily life. Johnny was making notes when Bruce and Tianhao were talking to Mr. Ratzeburg. We will review the notes and choose one problem from the notes. It was late evening on Saturday, and we will meet again on Sunday morning for doing more programming and practice.

Monday 1 October 2012

Programming the Robots

We started programming our robots during our last meeting. After lots of trial and error (mostly error), Bruce managed to get a working line follower program that used one light sensor. Johnny created a program for picking up the medicine bottle, but it required a lot of adjusting before it worked the way it was supposed to.


One of robots doing the green medicine mission